
I've been connected to creative fields ever since I was very little. Mom & Dad used to work in advertisement and radio, which naturally sparked an interest in musical and visual creations. Additionally, I've been fortunate to have access to technology, which was the third missing component for eventually making sense of myself as a designer.

However, what really drew me into anthropology first, and then design, is understanding the reason why certain things are the way they are. Ultimately, it's all about scratching an old itch of wanting to be more active and intentional in trying to change the reality around me.

Beloved Carina & I at the monumental Cajon del Maipo mountains.

Looking out at the Embalse El Yeso dam

Cajon del Maipo, Santiago, Chile

Beloved Carina & I at the monumental Cajon del Maipo mountains.

Cute houses + sunny chill day

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

The way I love to work

Guided by foundational principles, I like to see myself as the bridge between disciplines: product management, software design, and user research. Over the years, I've grown a lot in the more strategic side of the world, and I love it. These days, though, I'm deepening my engineering skills to ship better-crafted apps and systems.

I thrive when working in multi-disciplinary, small, focused teams where role borders are blurry and there's a strong collaboration, documentation, and learning culture.


About this website

You may think that, by looking at this website, I clearly understand what's going on here, but I assure you, I frigging don't. Like anyone else, I'm just figuring things out as I go.

This website is developed using Next.js as the framework of choice, hosted on Vercel, styled with Tailwind CSS, and with components powered by a mix of libraries such as Headless UI, Radix UI, Vaul, kbar, Framer Motion, Joy UI, & more.

Let's connect!

Definitely reach out-I'd love to chat. ☺️